Advanced Financial Management & Auditing in public Sector Training
Advanced Financial Management & Auditing in the Public Sector.
Learning Objectives
The main objective of this course is to give delegates a good understanding of public sector financial management. By the end of the training delegates will have acquired the following skills;
The financial planning cycles of government and other public sector organizations
How to understand and interpret financial information Basic accounting concepts
The elements of sound financial management in public sector organization
Resource allocation and costing
Budgeting in organizations
Budget reallocation and cuts
Cash forecasting
Management control
Elements of financial accountability both within public sector organization and outward to the public
Internal and external oversight
Financial Management of Donor funded projects
Main Training Modules
Becoming a Financially Literate Manager in Government & other public sector Organizations.
Financial Management in the Public Sector Context
The public sector financial landscape
The Financial Management Framework
Financial literacy – personal and organizational
Accountability and Risk: Key Concepts in Framing Financial Management
Nature of public sector accountabilities and views of risk: public versus private?
Architecture of accountability in the financial management context
Conceptual framework for risk
Risk management – concept and process
The concept of financial risk.
Risk in operations and financial control
Public Sector Accounting Principles/Accrual Budgeting and Accounting and Accrual Accounting and
Defining accounting – and some history
Financial accounting and management accounting
Users of accounting information: internal and external
Accounting standards: GAAP/IFMS – basic principles
Understanding the cash and accrual basis for accounting
Key definitions in accounting statements
Understanding and Using Financial Statements Financial Statements
Double entry accounting
Accounting Cycle
The fundamental accounting equation
Journal and ledger functions: getting numbers right
Debits and credits, T-accounts
Core financial statements:
Balance Sheet/ Statement of financial position
Income Statement/ Statement of operations
Cash Flows
Changes in Net Debt
Management Discussion and Analysis
Relationship of Financial Statements to external reporting and internal use.
Planning & Budgeting.
Understanding what a budget is in financial management terms, in policy terms and in operational terms
Budget architecture:
Budgets by general purpose: Operating and capital budgets
Types of operating budgets: line, function, program, performance o Flexible versus fixed budgets
Off budget expenditures and funds
Budget cycles
Budgets as a control tool
Financial Management in the Public Sector
Cutting Your Budget: Reductions and Reallocations Taking It Back: Reallocation and Budget Cutting
Reallocation in the budget process: internal and external
Strategic reviews around the world
Cutting tools: how to cut
Risks, consequences and sustainability
Practical considerations for budget managers
Management Control: A Risk Based Approach Managerial Control
The concept of managerial control
Risk and risk management
Management Control Framework – why and for whom?
Management Control Process
Core concept of variance
Materiality and due diligence
Tools of control
Cash Management Financial Management in the Public Sector
Cash Management: In-Year Budget Control and Monitoring
Defining Budget Management
Objectives of Effective Budget Management, Monitoring and Control
In-Year versus Plan Management
Forecasting on a Cash Basis: Cross Walking from Accrual Budgets
Discontinuities between Budgets and the Ability to Plan
Establishing a Budget Management System
Preparing a Budget Plan
Arriving at an Adjusted Budget
Estimating Budget Performance for the Reporting Period
The Basis of Forecasting
Monitoring Financial Performance and Variance Analysis
Reporting and Accountability
External Reporting and Accountability Confirming Control: Accountability and Reporting
Objectives of financial and performance reporting: external and internal
Reporting to account and reporting to manage
Public sector reports – range and use
Creating good measures, creating clear measures
Integrating financial and non-financial performance data
Balanced Scorecard-type systems of reporting: wonders and warts
Audit and Oversight in Managing Your Money
What is audit, how it supports management and how it has to be independent to do that
Risk in determining what to inspect, oversee and audit o Components of audit risk o Materiality
Forms of oversight – internal and external
Grants Management & Internal Compliance.
Identify and understand the critical terms and conditions of grant aid; for donor-funded projects
Ensure compliance with donor terms and conditions;
Providing supporting documents, correct procurement of goods and services and meeting financial reporting requirements;
Managing multiple-funded programmes
Provide tools for efficient Management of Donor- funded project
Describe the phases in the grant management cycle clarify key responsibilities and routines needed for successful grant management;
Identify the requirements for closing off a donor grant;
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the training
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple need assessment before the training to identify the knowledge gaps and also after the training so as to monitor knowledge and skills gained through the training