Advanced Report Writing Skills Training
If you are a manager or officer at any level in business, government, or industry, you must write reports. Whether you want to or not, you write to explain things, to smooth relationships and to convince others of the value of some course of action. Writing must be clear, concise, complete, and correct. It must also convey your message in a courteous tone. The training will help you to identify the range of this kind of writing, the forms it takes, and the persuasive techniques it requires.
When you have completed this course you will be able to define the key concepts associated with Advanced Report Writing, minutes taking and you will be able to: Identify the main obstacles to effective Report Writing and how to avoid them; Understand the nature of a Technical Report and Project Report; Write from the perspective of the writer and the reader
Course Objective
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
To learn the value of good written communications.
To prepare reports and proposals that inform, persuade, and provide information.
To learn how to proofread your work so you are confident it is clear, concise, complete, and correct.
To provide an opportunity to apply these skills in real work applications.
Understand the necessity for accurate and effective written and verbal communication
Understand the basic concepts, principles, techniques and proficiency required for
Design and implement appropriate communication systems and procedures in various settings
Course Outline.
Expected Training Outcomes
Advanced Report Writing skills
The functions of communication
Barriers to effective communication
Advanced Report writing skills – Sentences; tips on joining words and punctuation
Some common report writing faults to avoid
Writing good paragraphs
Transitions and ordering the parts
Overcoming writer’s block: subjectivity; objectivity and bias
Mapping your business process for effective communication and report writing
Data collection and analysis for report writing
Writing of: project proposals and technical reports
Project progress report template
Conducting meetings
Minutes taking
Main Training Modules
Introduction to Communication Skills
The Concept of Communication
Introduction to Communication Theory
The Communication Process
Elements/Aspects of communication
Forms/Classification of Communication
Importance of Good Communication
Communication Media
Introduction to Communication Media
Oral Communication media
Written Communication media
Visual Communication media
Audio – Visual Communication media
Technological Developments in the Communication media
Barriers to Communication
Medium barriers
Physical Barriers
Comprehension barriers
Socio –Psychological Barriers
How to Overcome Barriers
Preparing for an effective meeting
Types of meetings
Duties of a meeting administrator – before, during and after a meeting
Understanding the role of the minute taker
Preparing the meeting room – identifying the participants
Revolving flipchart exercise, review of checklist, facilitated whole group discussion
Meeting agendas
Producing agendas and convening notices
Facilitator presentation, pairs exercise, facilitated group review
Contributing at the meeting
Taking notes
Supporting the chair
Obtaining clarification assertively
Facilitated group discussion, pairs practice exercise, facilitated learning review
Writing minutes
Best practice for writing minutes
Small group exercise, facilitated group review and discussion
Practice meeting
Contributing agenda item
Leading agenda point discussion
Effective minute taking
Large group simulated meeting exercise, with facilitated group review
Minute taking practice
Review of notes and preparing minutes
Converting notes into final minutes
Individual exercise, facilitated group review
Action planning and reflection
Review of learning and action planning, course feedback
Individual reflection, action planning exercise with co-coaching, facilitated group review
The minute taking training will be supported with:
An optional participant pre-course questionnaire and/or pre-course reading on minute taking
A color printed workbook with presentation tips, techniques and space for personal notes
Understand a range of tools and techniques for Advanced Report Writing
Use these techniques to build an effective process that can be used to deliver professional results on a
consistent basis from Report Writing activity
Explain the benefits of having an effective Report Writing process in the Organization
Technical reports may be required for a number of reasons such as:
Detailing activities and results associated with investigating a customer complaint
Proving that a particular process or product has been validated and meets specifications – Providing
reference material as part of a development project
The value of reports may be that they provide:
Reference materials that form part of the knowledge bank of the organization – Documentary evidence
of investigation or validation of products and processes
Reports are only of value if they are:
Based on fact – Accessible – Accurate – Complete
Compiled by people who are competent
Advanced Report Writing should have:
Data & Information
Information Uses
Information Mapping
Apply total quality principles to writing Reports
Quality is conformance to requirements
The goal is to achieve zero defects
The cost of quality is the expense of doing it wrong
There are five levels of report writing processes
Managed and sustainable A robust process is in place and managed
Organized and repeatable A sound process is in place and is being refined – training is on-going
A process is taking place but not always enforced
Ad hoc Little or no coordination of report writing
Oblivious Reports are written by whoever has time
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills
acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will continuously monitor implementation progress after the training.
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge knowledge and skills and another assessment after the training in-order to monitor knowledge gained through the training