Climate Change Communication Training. 

Course Preamble.

Environmental threats impact the quality of life in numerous ways. How we act as human beings can improve environmental conditions and benefit the health of individuals, families, and society. Many scientists consider Climate Change one of the greatest challenges of the 21st Century.

The scientific consensus is that we are responsible for a vast share of current and future global climate change, and that changes in human behavior could help prevent environmental dangers to the quality of our lives. While technology will provide some improvements, behavior change is the key to reducing carbon emissions, pollution, and the dependence of our society on fossil fuels. We can change the way we act and the choices we make now. This can help create a world, which is ‘sustainable’ for future generations, and at the same time improve our own health and quality of life. The science of climate change communication and Behavior Change has given us tools to target different audiences and move them along from a state of ignorance or indifference towards changing personally, and becoming actively involved.