Africa school

Debt Management Recovery & Quanitative Analysis

Course Objectives
On completion of the course, participants should be able to:
 Understand Credit Control & Management
 Understand the need for Debt and its management
 Link debt levels to economic performance
 Come up with institutional framework for debt management
 Come up with policy options for credit control, debt management and restructuring
 Advice government on optimal debt levels

Target Groups
 Economists
 Policy planners
 Fiscal experts
 Treasury managers
 Development practitioners
 Policy Analysts

Course Outline
 Management principles and practices
 Introduction to credit management
 Credit Risk Assessment
 Credit-Rating Agencies
 Debtor/Credit relationships
 Debt Management
 Types of Debt
 Credit-Rating Agencies
 Accounting for Debt

 Debt-Related Controls
 Debt-Related Policies
 Debt-Related Procedures
 Understanding Debt-internal and external
 The Role of Government in the National Economy
 Background to National Debt – Tradable Debt
 The Need for Public Debt Management
 Loan Cycle
 functions relating to Public Debt Management
 Institutional Framework for Public Sector Borrowing
 Public Debt and Budget Deficit
 Government Borrowing and the Public Debt
 Fiscal Policy – Government Expenditure
 Fiscal Policy – Government Revenue
 Fiscal Reforms
 Privatisation
 Legal and Regulatory Framework, Issue of Guarantees and On-lending
 Requirements for the Effective Monitoring of Public Debt
 Monitoring Private Non-Guaranteed and Short-term Debt
 Accessing International Capital Markets
 Mobilizing Resources from the Domestic Market and the Pricing of Instruments
 Domestic Debt – Management and Control
 Domestic Debt – Structuring and Restructuring
 Structural Adjustment Programmes
 Management of Credit and Accounts Receivable (A/R)
 Policy Options in debt Management
 Debt and Vulnerability Indicators and their Critical Values
 Analysis of Public Debt and Debt Indicators
 Formulation of a Borrowing Policy and Strategy
 Risk Management
 Debt Restructuring
 Institutional Reforms


 Computer Application
 Database Management
 Action Planning

Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills
acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the training.

Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge knowledge and skills acquired
and another assessment will be done after the training in-order to demonstrate knowledge gained through the