Debt Management Recovery & Quanitative Analysis
Course Objectives
On completion of the course, participants should be able to:
Understand Credit Control & Management
Understand the need for Debt and its management
Link debt levels to economic performance
Come up with institutional framework for debt management
Come up with policy options for credit control, debt management and restructuring
Advice government on optimal debt levels
Target Groups
Policy planners
Fiscal experts
Treasury managers
Development practitioners
Policy Analysts
Course Outline
Management principles and practices
Introduction to credit management
Credit Risk Assessment
Credit-Rating Agencies
Debtor/Credit relationships
Debt Management
Types of Debt
Credit-Rating Agencies
Accounting for Debt
Debt-Related Controls
Debt-Related Policies
Debt-Related Procedures
Understanding Debt-internal and external
The Role of Government in the National Economy
Background to National Debt – Tradable Debt
The Need for Public Debt Management
Loan Cycle
functions relating to Public Debt Management
Institutional Framework for Public Sector Borrowing
Public Debt and Budget Deficit
Government Borrowing and the Public Debt
Fiscal Policy – Government Expenditure
Fiscal Policy – Government Revenue
Fiscal Reforms
Legal and Regulatory Framework, Issue of Guarantees and On-lending
Requirements for the Effective Monitoring of Public Debt
Monitoring Private Non-Guaranteed and Short-term Debt
Accessing International Capital Markets
Mobilizing Resources from the Domestic Market and the Pricing of Instruments
Domestic Debt – Management and Control
Domestic Debt – Structuring and Restructuring
Structural Adjustment Programmes
Management of Credit and Accounts Receivable (A/R)
Policy Options in debt Management
Debt and Vulnerability Indicators and their Critical Values
Analysis of Public Debt and Debt Indicators
Formulation of a Borrowing Policy and Strategy
Risk Management
Debt Restructuring
Institutional Reforms
Computer Application
Database Management
Action Planning
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills
acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the training.
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge knowledge and skills acquired
and another assessment will be done after the training in-order to demonstrate knowledge gained through the