Flood Management Best Practices Training

By the end of this course participants will have acquired the following skills;

  • Floods: Definitions, Natural Process and Benefits, Hazards
  • The watershed System
  • The Water Cycle and Managing Water
  • Assessing Flood Risk: Data, Methods and Analysis
  • Flood Risk Assessment and Management
  • Structural and non-Structural Methods for Flood Risk Management
  • Application of Methods According to type of Intervention, Location (In The Watershed) and Scale
  • Urban Issues in Flooding
  • What Factors Affect Urban Areas and Flooding
  • Urban Flood Management Methods
  • Urban Flood Governance

Training Modules

Foundational Concepts and Key Crosscutting Issues

  • Floods: Definitions, Natural, Process and Benefits, Hazards
  • The Watershed System
  • The Water Cycle and Managing Water
  • Climate and Weather
  • Resilience
  • Crosscutting Issues

Assessing Flood Risk. Data, Methods and Analysis

  • Flood Risk Assessment
  • Prioritizing Assessment Results

Flood Risk Assessment and Management – Related Information Needs and Sources

  • Characterizing the Watershed

Structural and Non-Structural Methods

  • Structural Methods
  • Non-structural Methods
  • Application of Methods According to Type of Intervention, Location (in the watershed) and Scale
  • Factors Affecting Successful Implementation of Structural Methods
  • Important Considerations for Design, Implementation, Maintenance and Closure of Structural Methods
  • Using the Optimum Combinations of Hard and Soft Structural Methods
  • Resource and Cost Planning in Selection and Implementation of Structural Methods
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • What Is Urban Flooding
  • Impacts of Urban Flooding
  • What Factors Affect Urban Areas and Flooding?
  • Urban Flood Management Methods
  • Urban Flood Governance
  • Urban Coastal Areas and Special Considerations

Way forward After the Training

Participants will develop a work plan, through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the training.

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