Africa school

Gender Analysis and Mainstreaming Training

Gender mainstreaming is an (international) strategy to achieve gender equality. It is shorthand for saying that the impact of all policies and programs on women and men should be considered at every stage of the policy or program cycle from planning to implementation and evaluation. This advanced short course aims to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge of gender mainstreaming and gender analysis. It draws on best practice and case studies from around the world. The course also provides the opportunity to focus on a specific sectors or policy areas (such as, Livelihood, development projects, education, sexual exploitation and abuse, organizational development, or human resources) and for participants to employ this knowledge in their own work plan.

It is important at the outset to ensure that all of your program staff are fully committed to making your organization inclusive. Be sure, therefore, that staffs have attended gender awareness training before they work together to make the organization inclusive.

Broad Training objectives.

  • Develop a clear understanding of key gender concepts, including gender roles, gender identity, gender stereotypes, and intersectionality.
  • Familiarize participants with international and national gender frameworks, policies, and legal instruments
  • To increase the knowledge and capacities of participants on gender analysis and mainstreaming to become competent change agents within their organizations, government ministries and departments.
  • Generate thrust for a holistic, integrated and highly interactive training that builds a core set of knowledge, skills and attitudes among potential change agents, and in the process, fulfill the obligations of the projects and organizations of gender analysis and mainstreaming.

Module, Topic & Importance     

Module 1

Concepts of gender mainstreaming, and promoting awareness

This module increases gender awareness, and equips participants for gender mainstreaming. In the process, they will be able to identify barriers to gender mainstreaming, and establish mitigation strategies.

Specific Objectives.

  • To define the term gender and its underlying concepts and frameworks
  • To describe the concepts of gender mainstreaming
  • Social Construction of Gender
  • Gender Analysis and its purpose
  • To identify barriers to gender mainstreaming        

Module 2

Gender analysis and approaches

This module prepares participants to carry out a gender analysis in policies and programmes in order to address existing inequalities.

Specific Objectives

  • Recognizing Gender Disparities
  • To explain the terms ‘gender analysis’ and their purposes.
  • To describe steps in gender analysis
  • To identify and apply the gender analysis tools
  • To discuss approaches to gender
  • To explain the existing gender policies

Module 3

The role of civil society and governments in gender mainstreaming

This module enables participants to develop practical and effective strategies for developing linkages with various stakeholders to enhance gender mainstreaming in development processes.

Specific objectives

  • To identify key stakeholders and their role in gender mainstreaming stakeholders to advance gender equality agendas.
  • To guide participants to develop practical and effective strategies for developing linkages with key stakeholders to enhance gender mainstreaming.
  • Collaborate on the development of gender-sensitive policies and advocacy campaigns.

Module 4

Methods and strategies for gender mainstreaming

This module introduces participants to different methods and strategies that can be used in gender mainstreaming. It also assists them to identify levels of gender mainstreaming and actions to be taken all levels. Essential aspects to consider in gender mainstreaming are also considered. Participants are also exposed to excuses that are usually used to avoid gender mainstreaming in community activities. This prepares them to challenge those excuses and promote gender mainstreaming in development processes, and be able to draw up practical action plans.

Specific Objectives

  • To identify and discuss excuses of gender mainstreaming
  • To discuss different methods and strategies in gender mainstreaming
  • To identify levels of gender mainstreaming and actions to be taken at all levels.

Module 5

Documentation, monitoring and evaluation of mainstreaming processes

This module enables participants to understand various methods of documentation, monitoring and evaluation in gender mainstreaming interventions. It also equips participants to develop and monitor a gender responsive budget.

Specific objectives

  • To differentiate the terms documentation, monitoring and evaluation
  • To explain the role of documentation, monitoring and evaluation in gender mainstreaming
  • To discuss methods for documentation, monitoring and evaluation of gender mainstreaming interventions
  • To develop and monitor a gender responsive budget

Module 6

Legal and Human Rights Frameworks:

  • Familiarize participants with international and national laws and human rights conventions related to gender equality.

Way forward After the Training

Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will continuously monitor implementation progress after the training.

Training Evaluation:

Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge Gender Analysis & Mainstreaming knowledge, another assessment will be done after the training in-order to monitor knowledge gained through the training.