Africa school

Gender Mainstreaming in Environment & Climate change Resilience Training

 Course Overview.

This training program will offer hands-on skill on Gender Mainstreaming in Environment & Climate change. Climate change, gender and gender equality seems illogical because the issue of climate change is seen primarily through technical and technological aspects and processes, and the role and influence of people is limited to “awareness-raising”. However, climate change has direct and indirect consequences on people’s lives (through impacts on weather conditions, emergencies and natural disasters, biodiversity and availability of natural resources, ways of using water and energy) and require, on the one hand, adaptation, and on the other, reducing the effects (primarily of CO2 emissions) that lead to climate change. Climate change, apart from being one of the biggest challenges in the field of environmental protection and modern development, can have a significant impact on existing inequalities, including gender, and can also have a negative impact on programs for achieving equality, improving the position of women, reducing poverty and social exclusion.

Main Training Modules

Introducing gender concepts and climate change

  • Why gender is an important issue when addressing climate change?
  • Key aspects of the gender perspective in climate change
  • Basic gender terms and concepts
  • Gender-responsive, gender-neutral, gender-blind and gender-transformative policies

Introduction to Gender and Climate Change

  • Overview of climate change and its impacts
  • Understanding gender as a social construct
  • Ecofeminism
  • Definition and significance of climate resilience
  • Linkages between climate resilience and sustainable development goals

Gender Analysis of Climate Change Impacts

  • Social and Cultural Norms
  • Gender-disaggregated data and evidence of climate change impacts
  • Case studies on gender-differentiated vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies
  • Intersectionality and multiple dimensions of vulnerability

Intersecting gender perspective and climate change

  • Gender Mainstreaming, Policies and Practices
  • Climate Change Policy
  • International and Strategic Framework on Gender and Climate Change

Gender Roles in Climate Change Relevant Sectors

  • Gender Differences and Roles in the Energy Sector
  • Gender Differences and Roles in Agriculture
  • Gender Differences and Roles in the Transport Sector
  • Girls in Technical Sciences

Gender Mainstreaming in Climate Policy and Planning

  • Policy frameworks and international agreements
  • Gender-sensitive indicators for climate action
  • Strengthening gender equality through policy implementation
  • Gender-responsive approaches to climate policy development and implementation
  • Engendering climate finance mechanisms and funding priorities

Gender-Sensitive Data Collection and Analysis

  • Methods and tools for gender-sensitive data collection and analysis in climate research
  • Gender indicators and monitoring frameworks for tracking progress on gender and climate change
  • Gender-responsive project design
  • Ethical considerations and best practices in gender-sensitive research

Introducing a Gender Perspective in Mitigation and Adaptation

  • Introducing a Gender Perspective in Adaptation
  • Gender Responsive Planning in Adaptation Policies
  • Gender Mainstreaming in the Mitigation Process
  • Gender Responsive Planning of the Adaptation Policy

Advocacy and Collaboration for Gender and Climate Justice

  • Developing gender-inclusive climate action plans
  • Evaluating progress and impact
  • Strengthening partnerships between gender and climate change stakeholders
  • Amplifying the voices of women and marginalized groups in climate decision-making processes

Improving the Draft Gender and Climate Change Action Plan      

Training Evaluation:

Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge knowledge and skills and another assessment will be done after the training in-order to demonstrate knowledge gained through the training.