Modern Accounting Techniques for Accountants and Auditors Training

This advanced short course on Modern Accounting Techniques is designed to enhance and update your
knowledge and skills in financial modelling, Accounting Techniques, strategic budget analysis, and
Auditing, while updating your understanding of the latest global financial reporting and accounting
Course Objectives
On completion of program participants should be able to:
ü Apply the concepts and methods that underlie accounting and auditing
ü Analyze aspects of financial and management accounting: as they affect governmental units,
including public sector enterprises, and other non- profit organizations;
ü Acquire techniques and methods for accounting, reporting, measurement and control as
applicable to government, public and private enterprises.
ü Evaluate the financial viability of projects and activities through income statements and
balance sheets
ü Integrate financial concepts and policies into the management decision and budgeting process
ü Identify the role of Audit in Management;
ü Plan and execute effective Audit programs;
Target Groups
ü Auditors,
ü Accountants,
ü Finance Officers and Accounting Officers
ü Project Managers
Course Outline
ü Management skills and principles
ü Understanding the Importance Of Accounts and accountability
ü Basics of the Accounting Cycle
ü Analyze, Record, and Post Transactions
ü Trial Balance
ü Financial Report
ü Income Statement
ü The Profit and Loss Account
ü Income Statement Basics
ü Prepare and Interpret an Income Statement
ü Balance Sheet Basics
ü Prepare and Interpret Balance Sheets
ü Management of Liquidity
ü Credit Extension and Debt Collection
ü Stock Control
ü Cash Flow Statement
ü Fundamentals of Financial Analysis
ü Key Financial Ratios and Ratios Analysis
ü Understanding Financial Statements
ü Financial Planning
ü Budgeting and Forecasting Techniques
ü Governmental and Institutional Accounting
ü Public Accounting and Non-public Accounting
ü International accounting
ü Cash and Accrual Accounting
ü Investment Appraisal
ü Audit planning, Implementation and Control
ü Auditing Techniques
ü Fraud Audit
ü Managing an Audit Unit;
ü Statutory and Regulatory Framework of Government Accounting and Auditing;
ü Internal Audit controls, standards and codes
ü Risk management and risk-based audits
ü Financial Regulations and Control
ü Financial Reporting and Performance Measurement
ü Audit Reports
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will continuously monitor implementation progress after the training.
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge knowledge & Skills and another assessment will be done after the training in-order to monitor knowledge gained through the training.

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