Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Training.

Climate change short course is one of the biggest threats and injustices of our time. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are national climate action plans that embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. They are the single most important instrument for the implementation of the Paris Agreement and achieving its long-term goals for climate adaptation and mitigation. The Paris Agreement on Climate Change requires Parties to submit new or updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) every five years. This means 2020 was the year for the first round of revisions to commitments made in 2015 when the Paris Agreement was adopted. This hands-on course will endeavor to impart skills on how to effectively coordinate implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) priorities.

Course Objectives.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants should;

  • Understand the NDC process
  • Comprehend the role of NDCs in tackling the climate crisis
  • Learn how different crucial elements such as mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage, gender, climate finance and participation are addressed within the NDCs. With the growing evidence of climate impacts on economic development, the staff will be equipped with the required skills, since it is critical that NDC priorities must be intergrated in the District and sectoral planning using the up-coming sector strategic plans (SSPs) and District Development Strategies (DDSs) as the only entry point to ensure effective integration and implementation of NDC and more broadly national climate action.
  • Develop knowledge, build expertise and tools on integrated planning, monitoring and evaluation that will enable effective implementation of NDCs at all levels, sectoral and decentralized levels.
  • Understand the best approaches to monitor and evaluate climate change indicators, being a cross-cutting sector, at sector and district levels, and how to sustain stakeholder engagement in planning, monitoring and evaluation of climate policies.
  • Gain insight into how to effectively mainstream NDC priorities into sector and district planning and budgeting.
  • Have increased understanding of coordination of NDC and climate policies implementation including best approaches to collaborate with decentralized entities for effective implementation.
  • Gain increased capacity on tracking progress on implementation of NDCs and climate change policies and use of feedbacks to enhance the policy process.
  • Strengthen their capacity in global climate policy, deepened understanding of the Paris agreement achievement, and climate reporting under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), tools and systems, and national readiness.
  • Increase capacities in stakeholder engagement for effective NDC implementation and tracking.
  • Gain statistical approaches and enhance the participant’s knowledge and skills in statistical data analysis.
  • Understand best approaches to monitor and evaluate climate change indicators, being a cross-cutting sector, at sector and district levels., and finally
  • Comprehend Integrated data management systems for NDC and climate policies indicator tracking.

Main Training Modules

  • International Collaboration towards NDC Achievement
  • Engagement Decisions and Implications of Participation
  • Article 6.2 activities & the activity cycle
  • Transfer authorization and corresponding adjustments
  • Governance, regulatory and Institutional framework for cooperative approaches under Article 6.2
  • Mitigation and NDCs
  • Adaptation and NDCs
  • Gender and NDCs
  • Finance and NDCs
  • Integrated data management systems for NDC
  • Monitoring and evaluation NDC integration Tools
  • Reporting to the UNFCCC



End of course Training Evaluation:

Participants will undertake an assessment to monitor the acquisition of knowledge and skill.