Africa school

Climate Finance/Environmental Sustainability Training

Climate Finance and Environmental sustainability is a dedicated fund helping developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and enhance their ability to respond to climate change.

Green Climate fund (GCF) course aims to catalyze a flow of climate finance to invest in low-emission and climate- resilient development, driving a paradigm shift in the global response to climate change. The short course on GCF will aim to achieve the following; Have a better understanding of the Financial Management instruments, fiduciary compliance and project/program monitoring, evaluation, and reporting techniques and systems. Understand the private sector accreditation processes for financial institutions; the Environmental and Social Standards.

Training Modules

  • Climate Strategy and agenda for Africa/East Africa
  • Overview of Climate Finance
  • Climate Change Regime: Policy Overview
  • Climate Finance: Financing Mitigation and Adaptation Actions
  • Introduction to GCF
  • Priority Setting and Country Ownership
  • GCF Readiness Programs
  • Designing a GCF concept notes and proposals
  • Simplified Approval Process (SAP)
  • Co-financing
  • GCF investment criteria
  • Delivery of projects and programs including monitoring, evaluation, and reporting
  • Financial management instruments and fiduciary standards
  • Planning, identifying and designing of country driven transformational climate investment
  • Preparation of concept notes and funding proposals within the investment criteria and result areas of the GCF
  • The GCF Proposal/concept note review and appraisal process
  • GCF REDD-plus results-based payments pilot program
  • GCF Access modalities and accreditation upgrading process
  • Project preparation facility (PPF) application
  • Opportunities and challenges for the engagement of the private sector;
  • Lessons on the accreditation of Development banks and suggestions and important institutional networks to the accreditation of Development Bank of Ethiopia
  • Basic fiduciary standards

Key administrative and financial capacities Transparency and accountability

  • Project management
  • On- lending and/or blending
  • Environmental & social safeguards
  • Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) Environmental and Social (E&S) policy
  • Identification of Risks and Impacts Management program
  • Organization capacity and competency Monitoring and review
  • External Communications channels
  • Gender considerations

Competencies, policies and procedures to implement the Green Climate Fund’s Gender Policy Experience with gender and climate change, including a track record of leading to both men and women.

  • GCF Indigenous People’s Policy
  • Acquire skills on grievance redress mechanisms

Way forward After the Training

Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will continuously monitor implementation progress after the training