Trade Policy
Course Overview.
Trade policy and Tax analysis are now being given their due prominence as governments carry out
developments of their tax systems to boost revenues, enhance the equity and efficiency of taxes, and
stimulate economic expansion. This course covers the economic footings of tax policy, taxation and
revenue forecasting to provide participants with the ability to execute effective tax reforms.
Training Modules
Income Tax
ü Overview of Income Tax
ü Charge to Tax
ü Taxation of Employment Income
ü Taxation at Source
ü Taxation of Rental Income
ü Tax Procedures Act
ü Dividend Income
ü Ascertainment of Pension Income
ü Collection and Recovery
ü Income Tax Exemption
ü Taxation of Mutual Agreement
ü Taxation of Extractive Industries
ü Returns and Notices
ü Assessments, Objections and Appeals
ü Dispute Resolution
ü Tax credits, reliefs and instalment tax
ü Taxation of Expatriates
ü Ascertainment of Agricultural Stock and Income
ü Capital Gains Tax
ü Taxing of Pension Income
ü Taxing Petroleum Industries
ü Capital Allowances
ü Taxation of Mutual Organizations
VAT & Taxes
ü Overview of VAT
ü VAT Legislation and interpretation of terms
ü Scope of VAT
ü Deduction of input tax
ü Registration and de-registration of VAT
ü Principles and Mechanics of VAT
ü Accounting for VAT
ü VAT Refunds
ü ETR Procedures
ü Extractive Industry
ü Withholding VAT
ü Offences under the VAT
ü Emerging issues and trends under VAT
ü Excise Duty
ü History and background of Excise Duty
ü Legislation and definition of terms
ü Tariff structure and classification
ü Licensing and registration
ü Security for Excise Duty
Principles of International Tax
ü Understanding Residence in relation to International Tax
ü International tax law
ü Interpreting double tax treaties and international tax law
ü Double tax treaties and domestic law: The pricing of override (Treaty override
ü International and Indirect tax: Excise, VAT, Gift taxes
ü Money laundering & IFFS
ü Tax Accounting
ü Conversion of partnership into liability companies, Limited companies including holding
companies including related parties;
ü Taxation of Special Organizations;
ü Insurance companies, back duty and in-depth examinations,
ü Investment Deductions
ü Current developments in public finance and taxation
Revenue Forecasting
ü Value-added and excise taxes
ü Trade taxes
ü Personal income taxes
ü Corporate income taxes
ü Taxes on natural resources
ü Property taxes
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills
acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge knowledge, skills and
another assessment will be done after the training in-order to demonstrate knowledge gained through the