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In-house Training/Workshops

In-house training is a cost-effective approach for organizations that want to train staffs within the organizational premises allowing the organization flexibility to choose on the venue and timings.

The courses can be delivered as in-house training on the premises of your organization; you and your staff don’t have to come to us – instead, our trainers will do the legwork and come to you, meeting your training needs at the source.

We can run most of our advertised training courses as an in-house event, plus others that we do not currently offer on our open training programme.

Economic Management and Development Policy

The courses convey an understanding of the purposes and roles of budgeting in organization and examines the major trends and the political, economic, and financial considerations involved in budgeting. The course examines the various theories, practices, challenges, and reforms of budgeting and financial management in the public sector & governments. Delegates will learn what public budgeting and its related theories are; how budgets are formulated; the roles of politics, economics, and management in public budgeting; how public resources should be allocated efficiently; the impact of globalization on the governance capacity of governments; what globalization means for budgeting; and the feasibility of recent public sector reform initiatives. The course will also cover elements of economic and strategic planning: Conducting Strategic Analysis; Developing Strategic Direction and Implementing Strategic options. It covers topics such as: What is Strategy? What is Economic Planning? The Planning Process, Forecasting, Strategy Formulation, Planning and Budgeting, Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Execution. The course will be delivered through a combination of practical coursework and classroom lectures.

Banking Sector, Microfinance and Enterprise Development

The below courses are designed to equip the delegates with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them better perform duties in the banking and financial sector.

Governance, Management & Administration (GMA) Courses

The below courses translate management theory into effective management practice by examining what managers do and how they do it. The course presents theories of management applicable to the public and private sectors and then reconciles these theories with current practice. If you’re among the many people who are intimidated by the word “theory,” it might be helpful to know that the aim of this course is simply to give you some tools with which to identify, contemplate, and solve managerial problems. Your tool kit will be full when you finish this course to help you understand some of the things that are happening in your organization and why. These tools will also enable you to give an organization a “tune-up” or carry out some of the more common managerial “repairs.”

Information Communication Technology

The courses on IT are intended to introduce the delegates to information communication Technology, equipping them with necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to professionally conduct/ perform their responsibilities.

Health, Safety and Environmental Management (HSEM)

This innovative course is designed to give business officers and their supervisors the skills and confidence to manage health and safety effectively within their areas of responsibility at work.The courses provides a practical guide, full of step by-step guidance, with a result-driven business focus for professionals to understand and embrace voluntary compliance with HSE policies and regulations. The innovative format and content of the courses are designed to engage and inspire delegates while engraining in them an enviable culture of Health Safety Environment (HSEM) consciousness that is focused both on the immediate present and the future. The management of health, safety and environmental risks can form a significant part of an organization’s sustainability agenda, and the practitioner increasingly needs to be able to influence strategic decision-making in this area in a critically informed manner. In this regard, this course has been designed to equip business practitioners and the health and safety professionals with the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to work within an international context at the middle level in organizations, observing effective health, safety and environmental management system that is based around the principles of best practice and integrated risk management

Secretarial and Office Administration

An administrator/executive assistant is responsible for providing financial services, budget preparation, procurement, travel arrangements, property control, and general administration. They offer services, advice and guidance to the programs, sections and offices within the Institute as endeavor to ensure sound and efficient financial management of resources and funds, in accordance with institutional financial rules and regulations, established policies and procedures, and specific donor requirements. This training is therefore designed to help the administration staff in the institution to build and project confidence, keep conversations focused and productive, exhibit knowledge and credibility and exert influence in everyday interactions. Participants will be able to create a powerful alliance with superiors and enhance a professional profile within the organization. Discussions will also examine the essential relationship building skills that will help in the development of workable strategies and establish one’s authority and get ideas noticed. Another focus will be the impartation of skills that are needed to make a difference and grow in one’s career and in the organization. To excel in this rapidly changing work environment, one needs more skills than ever before – like understanding the organization’s business, managing change, communicating strategically, leading, working in teams and juggling new assignments with current responsibilities.

Human Resources and Organizational Development

The below courses take delegates through human resource development (HRD), a field of study and practice that an organization can draw upon for improving its effectiveness at an individual level, group and process level and organizational systems level. This course also covers organization development (OD), a process designed to improve the effectiveness of an organization by incorporating individual, group and system level requirements. HRD and OD consider how the wider contextual environment impacts on the organization’s need to manage change effectively. Combining the foundational theoretical disciplines and practical hands-on skills, the course focuses on learning interventions for improving the performance and effectiveness of organizations.

Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LPSM)

The development and implementation of carefully crafted strategies for the acquisition of all materials, goods, equipment and services has become a critical issue in all organizations wishing to reduce operating cost while improving quality and productivity. The below course explores key concepts forming the basis of procurement and supply chain management and moves through leading edge issues that confront organizations today. The courses cover the principles of procurement management, which is acquiring products and services needed for the project from outside the project team. The Procurement Management processes from the PMBOK® Guide will be reviewed including inputs, key tools and techniques, and outputs. Typical procurement activities will be described from the make-or-buy decision to contract award to contract closure. The key elements that should be included in a procurement management plan will be presented. The stages of a contract negotiation will also be reviewed. The courses will review key contract terminology, selection criteria and the key elements of a contract. The types of contracts that can be used will be reviewed including   variations of fixed price, cost reimbursable, time and    material. Selecting the correct contract type and dealing with contract risks will also be covered. The courses include multiple exercises to allow delegates to practice the course concepts.

Finance and Financial Management

Most projects do not consider financial management, budgeting & grants management a priority for them. Therefore, it is often the case that many of them entirely lack systems of financial planning and monitoring, which has a very adverse impact on their viability. To achieve sustainable development in the tough actuality of today project managers and officers should develop understanding and confidence that are necessary to use funds effectively.

Data Management and Analysis

Many professionals, project/program managers, graduate and post graduate students struggle with statistical data analysis, yet programs/projects always demand for these practical skills. These courses are designed to break these barriers in using statistical approaches and enhance one’s knowledge and skills in statistical data analysis

Project Management

Project Management has become an organizational –wide core competency, nearly every project implementation staff/Team (PIT) regardless of discipline is involved in managing one or more projects. This training is designed to provide project staffs with knowledge and skills that cut across all types of projects. The key to a successful project is in the planning and management: being clear on the objectives, deciding how to work together as a team, thinking through how to approach the scope, setting up a schedule and budget, understanding clearly what will make the deliverable acceptable to the client of the project. The easiest way to plan a project is to have those who will execute the work help with the planning. This has the added benefit that the team is ready to hit the ground running during execution. The trainings involve you in a project leadership model that you can take back to your workplace and apply immediately. The course addresses all phases of a project: initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing.