Africa school

Aid Coordination Management Information Systems (ACMIS)

The purpose of this course is to equip/impart participants with knowledge and skills to enable them to develop and apply practical methods, tools and approaches for Aid Coordination & Result Based Monitoring and Evaluation of their projects, programs and institutions using Information management systems.
Training Outcomes.
✓ Appreciate Information systems in the Results-based management (RBM) context: positioning
information systems for Monitoring and evaluation in the RBM cycle.
✓ Diagnostic of the monitoring and evaluation information systems: participatory and rapid diagnostic of the information systems, identification and prioritization of bottlenecks, action plan for the
improvement of the monitoring and evaluation information systems.
✓ Be able to Manage data for monitoring and evaluation: collection and validation of quality data,
decisional information system architecture, design of dimensional data base, OLAP Cubes and pivot
✓ Communication of monitoring and evaluation results: infographic communication and selection of
graphics with Excel.
✓ Be able to apply the Monitoring for Results (M4R) ® management process and software: planning tree, performance measurement framework, work plan and budget, dashboard and early warning system, earned value analysis, human resources performance monitoring, project portfolio management, GIS, etc.
Expected Training Outcomes
Program Managers and officers attending the training will get hands on skills in the following areas;
✓ Designing M&E Plan
✓ Developing M&E systems
✓ Formulating Result based M&E
✓ Performance tracking / monitoring and evaluation Monitoring & Evaluation
✓ Computerized M&E System
✓ Aid coordination techniques
✓ Aid coordination platform
✓ Applications of MIS Management information system tools Information access and governmental
transparency Application of MIS in developmental evaluation
✓ Application of Geographical Information System (GIS) in projects
✓ Data collection and analysis
✓ Use of project management information software Actual project Evaluation
✓ Engaging in project consultancies-(Baseline, Mid- term, Summative and Ex-post evaluations.)
✓ How to monitor compliance and audit the function
Learning Content
✓ Explain the role of M&E in institutional management
✓ Explore Aid coordination techniques in the 21st century
✓ Appreciate different Aid coordination platforms
✓ Integrate M&E in the project management
✓ Develop and implement key components of an M&E system
✓ Develop and implement performance plans
✓ Apply cost management approaches
✓ Use project management information software
✓ Communicate M&E results effectively
✓ Identify and use appropriate data collection methods and tools effectively
✓ Use selected software to analyze M&E data
✓ Communicate M & E results effectively
✓ Formulate mechanisms for sustaining M&E systems
✓ Setting up project management information systems
✓ Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
✓ Data Analysis
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills
acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the training.
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge skills acquired and another
assessment will be done after the training in-order to demonstrate knowledge gained through the training.