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Building /Developing Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure Course

Course Title: Building/Developing Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure Training.
Course Preamble
In the current global context of rapid urbanization, population growth, climate change and biodiversity
degradation, developing sustainable and resilient infrastructure projects is one of the most urgent challenges.
Because Infrastructure lasts so long the kind of infrastructure, we build today matters well into the future. That means, our infrastructure choices today influence the quality of the life of our children and their children. In the forthcoming 15-20 years, we are going to build about 1.5 times the infrastructure that already exists today.
We have to make sure that our decisions and investments are made wisely.
This course provides knowledge, builds expertise and provides tools on the planning, financing, procurement, contracting and implementation of sustainable and resilient infrastructure projects. Drawing on the most recent developments in the area of social and environmental science as well as the expertise of practitioners this course will help you to understand what constitutes sustainable and resilient Infrastructure, motivates you to want more of it and teaches you how to achieve it so that more sustainable and resilient infrastructure will be built in future.
Expected Training Outcomes
The main training outcome is that the delegates will acquire hands-on skills in the above subject matter to be able to transfer knowledge and skills to other colleagues in the Environment & Natural Resources,
infrastructure, academic and other sectors.
Course Objectives
ü Understanding the conditions for sustainability and the role of infrastructure to create positive
environmental, social, and economic condition
ü Become aware of the importance of sustainable infrastructure and understand key challenges and
ü Gain insight into local capacity constraints and structural constraints based on specific
examples/situations in both developed and developing countries.
ü Get to know further tools and instruments to assess and evaluate infrastructure projects, and learn
when and how to apply them.
ü Better understand the dynamics and interactions between the planning, implementing, and financing
ü Become aware of the importance of the procurement and contracting phase in order to legally ensure
the sustainability of the project.
ü Analyzing the role of infrastructure decisions on climate mitigation and adaptation.
ü Applying lifecycle assessment and circularity principles to quantify the impact of infrastructure design
ü Practical tools to measure and monitor the sustainability and climate resilience of infrastructure
We shall employ a mixture of techniques to ensure we deliver high quality and effective training. This
will include but not limited to the following:
ü Theory lecture sessions
ü Plenary presentation and discussions with Q&A
ü Case Studies from previous successful and on-going projects
ü Practical sessions/ Demonstration sessions with live assignments
ü Use of Visual Aids including Power Point slides
ü Educational Tour-Visit
ü One tour/Adventure for team building and ensure a more cohesive team for better implementation of
the project after the end of the training
Course Outline
Course Overview
ü Definition/Introduction into sustainable and resilient infrastructure.
ü Introduction to Sustainable Development
ü The Science of climate change
ü Economic Implications of Infrastructure
ü Social Dimensions of Infrastructure
ü Introduction to sustainable infrastructure — key pressures, conditions, and metrics for sustainability.
Infrastructure and the Environment
ü Environmental Impact from Infrastructure
ü Challenges on the environmental system and how sustainable and resilient infrastructure can help to
relieve them.
ü Introduction into SuRe® Standard.
ü Standard and the environment and practical applications.
Infrastructure and the Society
ü How sustainable and resilient infrastructure help to promote a better society.
ü SuRe® Standard and the society and practical applications.
The Governance of Infrastructure
ü The Governance of Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure Projects.
ü SuRe® and Project Governance and practical applications.
ü Governance, Assessment and Indicators
ü Sustainable Development: Politics and Policies
Tools for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure
ü Conditions for Sustainability and Emerging Technologies, Systems, and Policies
ü Introduction and applications of tools that assist the development of sustainable and resilient
Sustainable Infrastructure Procurement
ü Principles of sustainable infrastructure procurement and their implementation.
Other Key Modules
ü International Good Practice Principles for Sustainable Infrastructure
ü Access to green finance: funding mechanisms for sustainable infrastructure
ü Resource allocation in the built environment — enabling the adoption of circular economy
ü Systems-level infrastructure planning: Analyzing climate hazards and adaptation needs for infra
systems resilience
ü Nature-based infrastructure solutions
ü how green digital technology can be incorporated into strategic infrastructure policymaking and plans
ü Resilient and sustainable social housing: Transforming informal urban settlements through the
provision of sustainable and affordable social housing/infrastructure services
ü Landscape scale infrastructure Planning
ü Creating an enabling green digital policy framework: investment opportunities for green digital
infrastructure for an inclusive green economy, scalable green business models enabled by
ü Natural infrastructure, ecosystem services, and regenerative design.
ü Climate (spatial) data and digital infrastructure for enhanced forecasting and early warning systems
ü Globalization and the Environment: Capitalism, Ecology and Power
ü Purposeful, people-centric infrastructure through meaningful stakeholder engagement.
ü Innovation for Sustainability
ü Market-based Solutions for Sustainable Development: Pitfalls and Possibilities
ü Emerging technologies, systems, and policies to support the transition to sustainable, climate resilient
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills
acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the training.
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge knowledge and skills and
another assessment will be done after the training in-order to demonstrate knowledge gained through the training.

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