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Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) Course.

August 12 @ 8:00 am - August 23 @ 5:00 pm EAT

Course Preamble.

The purpose of this course is to equip/impart participants with knowledge and skills to enable them to develop and apply practical methods, tools and approaches for result-based monitoring and evaluation systems for their projects, programs and institutions using Information management systems. The ‘Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Certification’ training program is a comprehensive course that covers the processes and implementation of a Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation system for donor funded projects. This course endows participants with competences in setting up and implementing results-based monitoring and evaluation systems involving data management, analysis, and reporting.

Course Objectives

Program Managers and officers attending the M&E workshop will get hands on skills in the following areas;

✓ Project Initiation, Planning, Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation

✓ Designing project using logical frameworks

✓ Use indicators and targets to measure success

✓ Monitor and track performance indicators over the life of the project

✓ Designing M&E Plan Developing M&E systems

✓ Formulating Result based M&E

✓ Develop a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation plan

✓ Monitoring tools, methods and procedures

✓ Performance tracking / monitoring and evaluation Monitoring & Evaluation specialized M&E System

✓ Applications of MIS Management information system tools Information access and governmental

transparency Application of MIS in developmental evaluation

✓ Application of Geographical Information System (GIS) in projects

✓ Data collection and analysis

✓ Utilise data analysis software

✓ Use of project management information software (PMIS)

✓ (Baseline, Mid- term, Summative and Ex-post evaluations.)

✓ How to monitor compliance and audit the function

Who Should Attend?

The course is recommended for the following; Departmental heads

✓ Project or Departmental managers Project officers

✓ Staffs involved in making informed decision

✓ Anyone involved in development projects

✓ Anyone who aspires to be a good manager

✓ M&E Consultants

Training Main Modules

✓ Demonstrate understanding of key terminologies in Monitoring and Evaluation

✓ Fundamentals of Results-Based Management

✓ Why is RBM important?

✓ Results based management vs traditional projects management

✓ RBM Lifecycle (seven phases)

✓ Areas of focus of RBM

 Project Analysis

✓ Situation Analysis

✓ Needs Assessment

✓ Strategy Analysis

Designing indicators

✓ Indicators definition

✓ Indicator metrics

✓ Linking indicators to results

✓ Indicator matrix

✓ Tracking of indicator

✓ Designing indicators reference sheets (IRS)

 Logical Framework Approach

✓ LFA – Analysis and Planning phase

✓ Design of log frame

✓ Risk rating in log frame

✓ Horizontal and vertical logic in log frame

✓ Using log frame to create Activity and Budget schedules

✓ Using log frame as a project management tool

✓ Explain the role of M&E in institutional management

✓ Integrate M&E in the project management

✓ Impact, outcomes, outputs and activities

✓ Results framework

✓ M&E causal pathway

✓ Standards in planning, monitoring and evaluating for results

✓ Develop and implement key components of an M&E system

✓ Develop and implement performance plans

✓ Apply cost management approaches

✓ Use project management information software

✓ Communicate M&E results effectively

 Discourse on Theory of change

✓ Overview of theory of change

✓ Developing a theory of change

✓ Theory of Change vs Log Frame

✓ Case study: Theory of change

 M&E Planning

✓ Importance of an M&E Plan

✓ Documenting M&E System in the M&E Plan

✓ M&E Plan

✓ M&E plan vs Performance Management Plan (PMP)

 Conducting Baseline Surveys in RBM

✓ Importance of baseline studies

✓ Process of conducting baseline studies

✓ Baseline study vs evaluation

Project Performance Evaluation

✓ Process and progress evaluations

✓ Evaluation research design

✓ Evaluation questions

✓ Evaluation report Dissemination

 M&E Data Management

✓ Different sources of M&E data

✓ Qualitative data collection methods

✓ Quantitative data collection methods

✓ Participatory methods of data collection

✓ Data Quality Assessment

 Data Quality

✓ What is data quality?

✓ Why data quality?

✓ Data quality standards

✓ Data flow and data quality

✓ Data Quality Assessments

✓ M&E system design for data quality

M&E Results use and dissemination

✓ Stakeholder’s information needs

✓ Usage of M&E results to enhance and boost projects

✓ M&E lessons learnt and best practices

✓ Organization knowledge champions

✓ M&E reporting format

✓ M&E results in communication strategies

 Gender perspective in M&E

✓ Importance of gender in M&E

✓ Integrating gender into program logic

✓ Setting gender-sensitive indicators

✓ Collecting gender-disaggregated data

✓ Analysing M&E data from a gender perspective

✓ Appraisal of projects from a gender perspective

 Impact Assessment

✓ Introduction to impact evaluation

✓ Attribution in impact evaluation

✓ Estimation of counterfactual

✓ Impact evaluation methods: Double difference, Propensity score matching

 Data Collection Tools and Techniques

✓ Sources of M&E data – primary and secondary

✓ Sampling during data collection

✓ Qualitative data collection methods

✓ Quantitative data collection methods

✓ Participatory data collection methods

✓ Introduction to data triangulation

ICT in Monitoring and Evaluation

✓ Mobile-based data collection using ODK

✓ Data visualization – infographics and dashboards

✓ Using the latest tools and technologies for real-time monitoring and evaluation

Qualitative Data Analysis

✓ Principles of qualitative data analysis

✓ Data preparation for qualitative analysis

✓ Linking and integrating multiple data sets in different forms

✓ Thematic analysis for qualitative data

✓ Content analysis for qualitative data

✓ Manipulation and analysis of data using NVivo

Quantitative Data Analysis – (using SPSS/STATA)

✓ Introduction to statistical concepts

✓ Creating variables and data entry

✓ Data reconstruction

✓ Variables manipulation

✓ Descriptive statistics

✓ Understanding data weighting

✓ Inferential statistics: hypothesis testing, T-test, ANOVA, regression analysis

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in M&E

✓ Introduction to GIS in M&E

✓ Application of (GIS)

✓ GIS analysis and mapping techniques

✓ Data preparation for geospatial analysis

✓ Geospatial analysis using GIS software (QGIS)

M&E Consultancies

✓ Set up and implement M&E consultancies

✓ Engaging in M&E Consultancies.

Way forward After the Training

Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills

acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the training.

Training Evaluation:

Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge project monitoring & Evaluation knowledge, another assessment will be done after the training in-order to demonstrate knowledge gained through the training.




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