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Research methodology, Data collection, analysis & visualization

Upon successful completion of this short course participants should be able to:
✓ Discuss the relevance of reliable data collection process in Research and informed decision making
✓ Use relevant computer packages for data management and extrapolation
✓ To introduce the concepts of monitoring and evaluation and the value of implanting it in
✓ To focus participant’s attention on monitoring and evaluation study designs
✓ M&E Data Management and Analysis
✓ Appreciate GIS software, data capture methods, analysis, data importation and mapping indicators
using GIS Techniques)
✓ Get hands on skills on SPSS & STATA
Who Should Attend?
The course is recommended for the following;
✓ Departmental heads
✓ Data manager
✓ Research students
✓ Project or Departmental managers
✓ Project officers
✓ Staffs involved in making informed decision
✓ Anyone involved in development project
✓ Anyone who aspires to be a good manager
✓ Researchers & M&E officers.
✓ Embrace use of data in informed decision making.
Main Modules
Research Methods & Data collection Techniques
✓ Research Designs (standards, criteria, ethics)
✓ Quantitative & Qualitative Evaluation Surveys
✓ Learning & Accountability (objectives, tools, learning events & decision tools)
✓ Data Collection Methods, Tools & Instruments
✓ Introduction to MDC techniques (e.g. ODK/Kobo Collect) & integrated web-based applications for
✓ Good Enumerator Habits and Effective Data Collection Techniques
✓ Review and Translation of Data Collection Instruments
✓ Practice Using Data Collection Instrument
Introduction to SPSS & STATA Statistics
✓ Explain how IBM SPSS Statistics is used for basic analysis
✓ Explain the basic steps in data analysis
✓ Understand the primary windows in IBM SPSS Statistics
✓ Understand the different components of dialog boxes
Reading data
✓ Import data from different types of file formats
✓ Describe choices on the File menu for reading data
✓ Read Microsoft Excel files
✓ Read files from a Microsoft Access database
✓ Read delimited text files
Defining Variable Properties
✓ Describe and define variable properties in the Variable View window
✓ Use the Define Variable Properties dialog box
✓ Save variable properties with data in an IBM SPSS Statistics data file
✓ Use the Variables utility to view variable properties interactively
✓ Use the Display Data Dictionary facility and the Codebook procedure to view variable properties
Working with the Data Editor
✓ Use features in the Data Editor
✓ Insert, delete, and move variables and cases
✓ Use the Split Screen view
✓ Copy information from one dataset to another
✓ Use the Copy Data Properties feature
Modifying data values: Recode
✓ Use Visual Binning to reclassify values of an ordinal or scale variable
✓ Use Recode Into a Different Variable to reclassify values of a nominal variable
✓ Use Automatic Recode to create a numeric variable from a string variable
Modifying data values: Compute
✓ Describe the features of Compute Variable
✓ Create new variables with numeric expressions
✓ Create new variables with conditional numeric expressions
Summarizing individual variables
✓ Define levels of measurement
✓ Use the Frequencies procedure to produce tables and charts appropriate for nominal variables
✓ Use the Frequencies procedure to produce tables and charts appropriate for ordinal variables
✓ Use the Frequencies and Descriptive procedure to produce tables and charts for scale variables
Describing relationships between variables
✓ Select the appropriate procedure to summarize the relationship between two variables
✓ Use the Crosstabs procedure to summarize the relationship between categorical variables
✓ Use the Means procedure to summarize the relationship between a scale and a categorical variable
Selecting cases for analyses
✓ Select cases in a data file using various methods
✓ Describe and use the features of the Select Cases dialog box
✓ Describe and use the features of the Split File dialog box
Creating and editing charts
✓ Present results with charts
✓ Use the Chart Builder to create various types of graphs
✓ Format and edit graphs in the Chart Editor
Working in the Viewer
✓ Navigate through the Viewer
✓ Perform Automated Output Modification
✓ Customize a pivot table
✓ Create and apply a template for a pivot table
✓ Export output to other applications
Syntax basics
✓ Use basic syntax to automate analyses
✓ Use the Syntax Editor environment
✓ Create syntax
✓ Run syntax
✓ Edit syntax
Introduction to Geographic Information System (GIS)
✓ Introduction to GIS Software (Quantum GIS)
✓ Mobile GPS Field Work
✓ Mapping M&E Indicators with Quantum GIS
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills
acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the training.
Training Evaluation
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge knowledge and skills on data
analysis & management, another assessment will be done after the training in-order to demonstrate knowledge
gained through the training.

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