Africa school

Lift & Elevator: Maintenance, Repair, Inspection & Testing

This professional short course is specifically customized for those with little or no lift & elevator experience responsible for facilities design, facilities management, maintenance management and inspections to have a refresher and deeper understanding of the lift & elevator. The content focuses on essential lift & elevator knowledge and concepts. The primary goal of this program is to address the operation, maintenance, repair, inspection and testing of lift & elevator.
The need for Lift maintenance has increased tremendously throughout the years. With the recent multiple cases of lift/escalators incidents raising the need for more awareness and training on the maintenance, repair, inspection and testing
Course Objective
The main objective of this course is to provide knowledge on operation, maintenance, repair, inspection and testing of lift & elevator. The course will also impart participants with the basic technical knowledge and skills on lift, elevator engineering. The course also aims at broadening the knowledge in management of lifts through academic and practical training.
By the end of the course, learners will be equipped with fundamental technical knowledge and skills on lift engineering; to engage lift workers on maintenance projects which include:
ü Plan and Select Equipment for Lifts
ü Describe the Components of Lifts
ü Interpret and Apply Inspection & Functional Test Compliance
ü Interpret and Apply Periodic Maintenance and Examination Compliance
ü Apply Energy Efficiency Principles for Lifts
Training Modules.
1. Fundamental Lift Planning and Selection of Equipment
ü Overview of Code of Practices for lift
ü Duties of lift owners, lift service contractor
ü An overview of the various types of lifting systems and operations
2. Lift Components Overview
Machines room equipment
ü Traction machine
ü Governor
ü Control panel
ü Hoistway
ü Guide rail
ü Counter-weight
Lift Door Operator
ü Door machine
ü Door safety device
ü Door configuration
Lift Car and Landing
ü Indicator & Operation Board (OPB)
ü Crosshead, Transom, Jamb Pit
ü Buffer Suspension
ü Roping
ü Tail cord
3.0 Inspection & Functional Test Compliance
ü Basic Electrical Installation Concepts
ü Machine room inspection
ü Test of safety circuits
ü Hoisting and governor rope inspection and examination
ü Lift well and equipment inspection and examination
ü Balance point check
ü Speed governor test
ü Safety gear test
ü Fire lift operation
ü Emergency operation
4.0 Periodic Maintenance and Examination Compliance (SS 550:2009)
ü Lift maintenance outcomes
ü Periodic examination, test and inspection
ü Examinations and tests after a major modification
ü Periodic test of ARD and EBOPS
5. Energy Efficiency of Lifts
ü Traffic handling
ü Maintenance and modernization
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills
acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will continuously monitor implementation progress after the training.
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge knowledge and skills and another assessment after the training in-order to monitor knowledge gained through the training