Market Research & Analysis Training

Course Overview.

This hand on skill-based course will help delegates better understand market research industry practices, commercial solutions, and potential services that meet organizational requirements to make the best choices for your organization. You will learn and apply the basic principles, tools, and methods for performing market research—from conceptualizing the idea to gathering information, to documenting results.

Introduction to Marketing Research

  • Who Needs Market Research?
  • New Roles for Market Research
  • Effect of Regional Culture on the Use of Market Research
  • Use of Market Research in Business Models and Frameworks
  • Consumer and Business-to-Business Market Research
  • Scope of Market Research Information
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research
  • Market Research Process

Market Research Design

  • What is Worth Researching?
  • Market Research Suppliers
  • Market Research Brief: A Statement of the Problem/Opportunity
  • Market Research Proposal: The Return of Brief (ROB)
  • Information Required
  • Accuracy
  • Budget
  • What to Expect in a Proposal (Return of Brief)

Uses of Market Research

  • Understanding Markets and Customers
  • Understanding and Developing the Offer
  • Positioning the Brand and Communications

Qualitative Research

  • What is Qualitative Research?
  • Tools of Qualitative Research
  • When to Use Qualitative Research
  • Uses of Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

  • What is Quantitative Research?
  • Determining the Size of the Sample
  • Tools of Quantitative Researcher
  • What is Quantitative Research Used for?
  • Analyzing Quantitative Research

Using Market Research to Segment Markets

  • Why Use Market Segmentation?
  • Types of Segment Approach Qualitative/Judgement-Based Approach
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Successfully Embedding Segmentation Within a Client Organization

Using Market Research Improve a Brand Position

  • Research at the Birth (and Re-Birth) of a Brand
  • Researching New Visual Identities
  • Brand Health Monitoring
  • Other Topics Covered as Part of Brand Tracking Studies
  • Research Design of Brand Tracking Studies
  • Brand Positioning
  • Valuing Brands Equity

International Market Research

  • Seeing Things More Clearly
  • Structure of the Global Market Research Industry
  • Response Rates Internationally
  • Measuring Attitudes Across Nations
  • Coordinating Multi-Country Studies
  • Using Desk Research (Secondary Research) to Carry Out International Market Research

Way forward After the Training

Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the training.

Training Evaluation:

Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge knowledge and skills in the field  and another assessment will be done after the training in-order to monitor knowledge gained through the training.

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