Africa school

Sustainable Development Projects in Rural Communities

Course: Sustainable Development Projects in Rural Communities
Course Overview.
This course comprises the study of socio-political dynamics of rural development. It forms an inquiry into
the possibilities for collective action, necessary for the sustainable management of natural resources. It
investigates how control and access over natural resources are collectively organized, and questions how
people make decisions and subsequently act, based on their identity, community and other social institutions.
The course also examines how formal and informal institutions of management have developed and how
they function. To understand these functions and their implications sociological, developmental and political
theories dealing with e.g. communication, power inequality, social deprivation, social movements and
democratic decision making are utilized. The course will also focus on resource mobilization strategies for
rural development.
Main Modules.
Concept of Development and Theory of Rural Development
 Concept of Development
 Theories of Development
 Measures of Development
 Determinants of Development
Theory of Rural Development
 Concepts of Rural Development
 Rural Development Theories
 Rural Development Planning
 Rural Development Policies and Strategies
Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development
 Glimpses of agriculture around the world:
 Concepts of sustainability and sustainable agriculture,
 Dimensions of sustainable agriculture
 The Earth Summit 1992 Johannesburg Summit 2002 – the World Summit on Sustainable
Development, Rio +20 2012
 Concepts of poverty
 Concept of Food Security
An Overview of the World Food Problem
 Discuss basic dimensions of the world food situation
 Availability and price
 Reasons for hunger and malnutrition
 Food Security once more
Climate Change and Sustainability in the South – Mitigation and Adaptation
 Effects of Climate Change on developing country agriculture
 Climate friendly landscape strategies
 Environmental benefits from agriculture (agricultural landscape, biodiversity, traditional species)
 TEEB – The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity
 Characteristics of Traditional Agriculture and adaptive capacity
Theories of Economics related to Rural Development & Management
 Basic Micro-Economic Theories and Concept
 Theories of Growth, Income and Employment
 Market, International Trade and Globalization
 Fiscal policy and Financial Institution
Project Appraisal, Formulation, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation & Participatory PIME
and Project Management
 Concept, Planning and Establishment of Projects
 Formulation of a Project, Tools and Techniques
 Project Work System Design, Execution, Financing, Project Risk and
 Market Risk
 Monitoring and Evaluation, Performance Indicators, Concurrent
 Evaluation, Cost – Benefit Analysis
Proposal writing for Rural Development Fundraising
 Creating Budget and Estimation
 Agency Capability and Final Steps
 Fundraising Management
 Project Proposal Overview
 An Orientation to Proposal Writing
 Understanding the Agency and the Funding Environment
Participatory PIME and Project Management
 Approaches of Participatory Project Management
 Participatory Approach in Project Identification and Formulation
 Participatory Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
 Social Audit in Project Management
Rural Infrastructure Management
 Meaning and Concept of Infrastructure
 Rural Urban differences
 Component of Rural Infrastructure
 Importance of Rural Infrastructure
 Linkages with Livelihood,
 Economy and Rural Development, Impact of Rural Infrastructure.
 Government Program and Policies for infrastructure development in Rural Areas
Management of Rural Financing and Micro Finance, Micro Credit Paper : Management of Rural
 Rural Credit System,
 Role of Rural Credit in Rural Development.
 Evolution and Growth of Rural Credit System in India.
 Agricultural Credit, Agricultural Credit Review Committee, Report of different Committees and
Commissions, Problems and Prospects.
 Rural Credit to Non-farm Sector, Credit for small and marginal entrepreneurs.
Environmental Management
 Environmental Management Tools
 Pollution Control
 Resource Management
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills
acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will continuously monitor implementation progress after
the training.
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge knowledge and skills and
another assessment will be done after the training in-order to monitor knowledge gained through the training