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Leadership, Management & Governance Skills Development Training

February 3 @ 8:00 am - February 14 @ 5:00 pm EAT

Leadership, Management & Governance Skills Development Course.
Governance includes all underlying principles, laws and rules that helps organization function. Bad governance could lead to exponential negative impact to the public because its scope influences the entire population. Good governance, on the other hand, has a positive impact and is extremely important to organizations.
This course on Leadership, Management & Governance will empower you with immense experience and knowledge to make reforms in service delivery and efficiently manage any initiative undertaken to improve in the management of organizations. It will not just help you manage such initiatives well, but will also enrich your understanding and capability to identify possible gaps in governance and take necessary steps in time to resolve these. An innovative, challenging program. The training develops strategic thinking and questions the traditional concepts of leadership, management, governance, risk and sustainability
Training Modules
Concept, Principles and Practice of Management
Levels of Management
Essential skills of a manager
Management VS Leadership
Effective Leadership
Styles of leadership
Importance of power & Authority in leadership
Leadership traits & attributes
Strategic leadership
Leadership & Strategy
Sources of power
Leadership vs Cultural perspectives
Governance in the Public Services
✓ Overview of governance
✓ Importance of governance in organizations
✓ Difference between public governance and governance in other sectors
✓ Hindrances to good governance in the public services Principles of Good Governance
✓ Rule of law
✓ Transparency
✓ Accountability
✓ Public sector ethics and values
✓ Stewardship
✓ Leadership Steps to Improve Governance
✓ Decentralization
✓ Establishing political accountability
✓ Establishing complete transparency and accountability of the government to its people
✓ Better fiscal management
✓ Use of technology to increase efficiency in public service delivery
✓ Training and mentoring of public sector professionals Hindrances to Improving Governance and Solutions to Overcome Them
✓ Corruption
✓ Manpower shortage
✓ Political imperatives
✓ Poor judicial performance
✓ Weak legislatures
✓ Resistance to change by public sector professionals Public Sector Reforms
✓ Steps to initiate public sector reforms
✓ Features of a successful public sector reform
✓ Supporting conditions/requirements for public sector reforms
✓ Tools to measure the effectiveness of a public sector reform Performance Management
✓ Definition of performance management of public sector professionals
✓ Methods to set performance targets and measure the performance of public sector professionals
✓ Changing performance measurement to performance management
Motivating staff for performance
✓Nature of motivation
✓How to motivate employees
✓Employee empowerment & involvement
✓fits of performance management
Managing performance gaps
✓ Performance Feedback
✓ Training & Development
✓ Managing High performing teams & non-performers Influencers/Success Factors of Good Governance
✓ Defined framework of policies and processes
✓ Robust performance management systems and processes
✓ Optimistic work culture
✓ Good internal and external stakeholder relationships
✓ Well-managed budgets
✓ Good human resource management practices
Change in the work place
✓Types of change
✓Causes of change
✓Supervising the change process
✓Financial Planning and Controls
✓The corporate budget
✓Preparation of departmental budgets
✓Key terms in financial management
Budgeting and Budgetary Process
✓The budgeting processes
✓Managing Budgetary expectations
Supply chain management
✓Business processes
✓Quality of goods & Services
✓Stakeholders relations (suppliers and users)
Public Service Integrity and Ethics
✓Principles and Ethics in management
✓The Course Text “The one Minute Manager”
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the training.
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple exercise before the training and after the training in-order to monitor knowledge gained through the training.

Leadership and Governance
February 3 @ 8:00 am - February 14 @ 5:00 pm
Event Category:


+254 737 022726


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+254 737 022726

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