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Monitoring & Evaluation of development Projects

February 3 @ 8:00 am - February 14 @ 5:00 pm EAT

Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Projects Workshop

The purpose of this course is to equip/impart participants with knowledge and skills to enable them to develop
and apply practical methods, tools and approaches for result based monitoring and evaluation systems for
their projects, programs and institutions using Information management systems.
Course Objectives
Program Managers and officers attending the M&E workshop will get hands on skills in the following areas;
 Project Initiation, Planning, Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation
 Designing M&E Plan Developing M&E systems
 Formulating Result based M&E
 Monitoring tools, methods and procedures
 Performance tracking / monitoring and evaluation Monitoring & Evaluation specialized M&E System
 Applications of MIS Management information system tools Information access and governmental
transparency Application of MIS in developmental evaluation
 Application of Geographical Information System (GIS) in projects
 Data collection and analysis
 Use of project management information software Actual project Evaluation
 Engaging in project consultancies,
 (Baseline, Mid- term, Summative and Ex-post evaluations.)
 How to monitor compliance and audit the function
Who Should Attend?
The course is recommended for the following; Departmental heads
 Project or Departmental managers Project officers
 Staffs involved in making informed decision
 Anyone involved in development projects
 Anyone who aspires to be a good manager
 M&E Consultants
Learning Content
 Demonstrate understanding of key terminologies in Monitoring and Evaluation
 Explain the role of M&E in institutional management
 Integrate M&E in the project management
 Develop and implement key components of an M&E system
 Develop and implement performance plans
 Apply cost management approaches
 Use project management information software
 Communicate M&E results effectively
 Identify and use appropriate data collection methods and tools effectively
 Use selected software to analyze M&E data
 Communicate M & E results effectively
 Formulate mechanisms for sustaining M&E systems
 Set up and implement M&E consultancies
 Engaging in M&E Consultancies.
 Office Automation Systems
 Obstacles to information access: Privacy
 Other obstacles to information Access
 Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
 Data Analysis
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills
acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the training.
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge project monitoring & Evaluation
knowledge, another assessment will be done after the training in-order to demonstrate knowledge gained
through the training.

Project Management For Donor Funded Project
February 3 @ 8:00 am - February 14 @ 5:00 pm


+254 737 022726


NairobiKenya+ Google Map
+254 737 022726

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