Trade Facilitation for Sustainable Development Training.
Trade facilitation is a concept directed towards reducing the complexity and cost of the trade transaction
process and making the procedures more efficient, transparent and predictable. It comprises the whole
trade chain from exporter to importer, including cross border trade facilitation , with emphasis on the
border- crossing and the agencies involved there. Globalization has increased the opportunities for international trade.
Trade facilitation can be a prerequisite to make use of these trading opportunities. Trade
facilitation is hence becoming an increasingly important tool for development, allowing countries to trade goods on time with low transaction costs. This interactive course intends to raise awareness of stakeholders from public and private sectors on trade facilitation, build their capacity on using relevant trade facilitation instruments, and enable them to more effectively support or participate in implementing trade facilitation measures in their respective countries.
Who Should Attend?
The course is recommended for the following;
Policy makers and implementers in charge of reform programs and experts in charge of capacity
building activities for TF. Typical participants are from National Trade and Transport Facilitation
Bodies, Ministries of Trade, Customs, other inspection agencies, businesses and technical assistance
Expected Training Outcomes.
After completing this course, participants should be able to understand what trade facilitation is and
available key trade facilitation measures and instruments, including cross-border trade as well as apply
selected techniques to analyze and improve trade facilitation performance.
Broad Training Objective.
This highly interactive course will endeavor to deliver the following;
ü The delegate will have developed a good foundational understanding of the mechanisms, dynamics
and key issues around cross-border trade, commercial considerations in the pursuit of business
across borders, and the linkages between trade, financing and international development
ü Enhance the understanding for trade facilitation on an international, regional and national level,
as well as raise awareness of the relation between trade facilitation measures and anti-corruption.
ü Concept of trade facilitation and sustainable development, trade facilitation state of play in the
region and beyond, assessing trade facilitation performance using indicators
ü WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) and other tools and instruments for trade facilitation
ü Role of National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC)
ü Engage in a discourse on Business Process Analysis (BPA) to simplify trade procedures
ü Discussion on Enhancing online National Trade Portals/Repositories (NTP/Rs)
ü Implementing paperless trade
ü Digital Trade Facilitation and Emerging Technologies
ü Explore the supply chain perspective to TF, from purchasing to cross border management &
customs, transport and payment.
ü Discuss and analyze paths for dealing with key TF issues, including: How to rationalize trade
documents and information requirements and how to reduce delays at the border.
ü Critically look at TF instruments (Conventions, Recommendations, Standards, Guides and Best
Practices, Glossaries) and organizations (UNECE, UNCTAD, WCO, WTO, WB, etc.) dealing
with TF.
ü Give an enabling platform for Trade facilitation professionals to exchange views and learn from
diverse experiences and best practices and forge networks with other professionals.
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills
acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge knowledge and skills,
another assessment will be done after the training in-order to demonstrate knowledge gained through the training.