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Compliance Auditing & Reporting Training.

August 12 @ 8:00 am - August 23 @ 5:00 pm EAT

Compliance Auditing & Reporting Conference.
This hands-on skill-based training will help delegates better plan, conduct compliance auditing & reporting.
The training will also help delegates provide meaningful feedback on the strengths, weaknesses and
improvement opportunities in their organization. The delegates will also learn how ensure ongoing quality
system compliance and effectiveness.
Learning Content
Elements of Compliance Auditing
• Elements of Compliance Audit
• What Does the Auditor Look for in Different Audits?
• Different Ways of Conducting a Compliance Audit
• Principles of Compliance auditing
• Compliance Audit Process
Main concepts of compliance audit
• Definition of audit and compliance audit
• Subject matter and subject matter information
• Authorities and criteria
• The three parties
• Assurance
• Attestation engagements and direct reporting
• Assertions and audit
• Professional skepticism and professional judgment
Planning and Designing a Compliance Audit
• Initial considerations for planning
• Planning process
• Determining materiality at planning stage
• Audit strategy and audit
Gathering Audit Evidence
• Audit Evidence
• Evidence Gathering Techniques
• Consideration of Non-compliance that may indicate Fraud and Unlawful Acts
Evaluating Evidence and Forming Conclusion
• Evaluating of evidence and forming conclusions
Documentation and Communication
• Documentation
• Communication
Reporting a compliance audit
• Reporting a compliance audit
• Forms of a compliance audit
• Contents of a compliance audit
• Conclusions/opinions in compliance audit
• Example of a short form compliance audit report
Emerging issues in auditing
• Audit Documentation
• Preparing and retaining documentation
• Assembly of the final audit file
• Confidentiality.
Implementation Strategies for compliance audit
• Process for formulating ISSAI Implementation Strategy
• Formulating an action plan
• Commitment of the leadership in implementing the action plan
• Guidance on preparing Action Plan
Way forward After the Training
Participants will develop a work plan through the help of facilitators that stipulates application of skills
acquired in improving their organizations. ASPM will monitor implementation progress after the training.
Training Evaluation:
Participants will undertake a simple assessment before the training to gauge prior knowledge and skills and
another assessment will be done after the training in-order to demonstrate knowledge gained through the


August 12 @ 8:00 am - August 23 @ 5:00 pm
Event Category:


+254 737 022726


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+254 737 022726

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